Sunday, May 23, 2010

To Do

I LOVE lists, especially to do lists! There is just some strange, triumphant feeling that comes over me whenever I get to cross something off of my to do list. And I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I am guilty of adding something to my list after it's already finished just so I get the pleasure of crossing it off. I also feel that I work best when I'm held accountable, so I thought I would publish my to do list here. :-) That way you can leave a comment asking if I've gotten something done and if you know me in real life you can text or call me if you want to. So now that I have my caffeine by my side and the music blasting I'm ready to get to work!

- get gas for the car

- wash, dry, fold, and put away ALL laundry

- unload and load back up the dishwasher

- make corrections to one IEP and finish another one

- pick up living room

- spend some time in my scrap room (both organizing/cleaning and scrapping)

- update my contact information with the National Bone Marrow Donor Program

- mow the front yard


  1. Hey you did pretty good on your to do list!!! I had a productive day but I always wish I had gotten more done. =)

  2. Thanks Sara. I got everything but one thing done and I did spend about 20 minutes picking up some stuff in my scrapbook room, but I didn't scrap and I didn't really make a dent in what I wanted to do, so I'm not crossing it off yet. I found that I work much better after making my whole to do list visible and known. I hope you had a productive day too!
