Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Exciting news!

Hello everyone! I have some very exciting news to share with everyone today. After some prompting from my friend, Sara, I decided to apply for the Practical Scrappers Design Team call. Imagine my shock and surprise when I saw this post this morning. Although I usually check my e-mail first thing when I get on the computer in the morning, I had forgotten to this morning so I was quite excited when I clicked on the name Erin and saw it brought me to my blog. I didn't quite believe it at first...haha! I am super excited to be on this DT because they are all about using up the products you have, which is something that all of us as scrappers need to do more often! I may be back with something scrappy a little bit later, but for right now it's too hot to leave the AC of my bedroom. Hope everyone is having a great day!