Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More Blog Candy

Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying your week and just think...we're half way to the weekend! 
Josh and I had a good trip back home yesterday....SOOO much better than the ride last Thurs to visit my parents. It was definitely back to the real world today with meetings from 10:30-1:30, 1:30-3:30, 3:30-4:30, class from 4:30-7, meeting from 7-7:30, and now work from 7:30-11. Whew! I should be doing TONS of work now, but I'm so tired I'm having a tough time doing any of I'm checking out blogs and things like that. 

OK, this website has blog candy up for grabs. Nicole makes the most gorgeous jewelry and she has Wednesday Winners among other fun stuff on her blog. In celebration of her birthday, she is GIVING AWAY a GORGEOUS choker necklace. Go check it out!!!!

And now onto some scrappy related stuff. This is a layout I did for Sketch Saturday at Sisterhood of Scrap on February 7. If you think it is similar to the card that I showed you a couple days ago, that's because it is! The sketches were designed by the same person, but I like the idea of transferring what you do on a layout onto a card that you make too. 

OK, that's it for tonight...I'm off to go eat dinner and then get to work on getting everything ready for my seminar tomorrow night. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I love vacation! After the stress of making the trip down state to visit my parents, Josh and I have done nothing but relaxing and shopping. The trip down was AWFUL! I got out of class a half hour late...not quite the way I wanted to start a 4 hour drive. Then it was snowing pretty hard almost the whole way down and in some places the roads were horrible. We were going to stop in Watertown for the night, but once we got there and got on the highway, the roads cleared up. Then they got bad again so we were going to stop in Syracuse for the night, but of course they cleared up again. Near Cortland they got bad again, but by then we were so close to the trip being over that we just kept going. The 4 hour drive turned into a 5 hour drive and we didn't get in until after midnight. 

We have definitely made up for the stress of that trip though. On Friday we stayed home all day and lounged around the house. We went out for dinner and a movie later that night with some friends some college and had a blast. Yesterday we went shopping. Josh bought a hi-def projector in the going out of business sale at Circuit City and I got some good deals on some scrapping necessities I needed. I spent a couple hours at my mom's office helping her answer phones and give info to clients if she was busy. That night we went to the mall and I was able to exchange a pair of shoes I had bought a while ago in Watertown. Today Josh and I took my mom out to breakfast and we went to Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We had a nice evening at home and my mom made lasagna for a yummy dinner with my parents, sister, niece, and grandparents. Not quite sure of plans for tomorrow yet, but we are thinking of visiting one of my aunts, maybe going to a movie, and I should probably do some work. 

OK, on to scrapping news. I have LOTS to show you, but since this post is getting pretty long, I'll only show you the Valentine's card I made for Josh. This is the card I did based on the sketch for Sketch Saturday at Sisterhood of Scrap. I have these journaling blocks from one of the monthly kits that I get and I knew this block was perfect for this card. 

One last thing before I go...if you want a chance to win some YUMMY blog candy, make sure to check out Carla's blog. She always has the BEST cards and great, fun giveaways so make sure to stop by. 
OK, it's time to go and watch my favorite show on my favorite channel. (HGTV, which I don't get at home so it's a real treat to watch it while I'm out of town.) Hope everyone had a great weekend are enjoying the holiday weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back again

OK, so I know I said I would try to be back on Tuesday with another post and some stuff to show you, but what I thought were just allergies turned into a bad cold and it left me feeling miserable! I am finally starting to feel better today, so I thought I would post before getting everything finished to go visit my parents for the long weekend. 
Here is a layout I did based on Julie's sketch over at 52 Sketches. I was having a tough time with the scalloped edge because I can't do it exactly how I want to on the Cricut and my punch has too small of a scallop, but overall I guess the layout isn't too bad. I also went back and forth about 15 times trying to decide on paper and although I love these papers, I'm not sure if it's exactly right for this layout. Oh well! It's finished, I need to let it go!!!

OK, I have a doctor's appointment in about an hour, class right after, then a 4 hour drive and I still have tons of stuff to do. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


OK, so this is going to be a quick post! I know I've been MIA for a while. Unlike last week, it was because I have been BUSY! Subbing every day, class Monday through Thursday, working at the union 2 days, group meetings, homework, cleaning, etc... And this week isn't going to get any better. I have tons of stuff to show you, but after a weekend spent at the in-laws my allergies are insane! All I want to do is take my shower, get into bed, and watch some TV with the hubby. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'll try to be better at this blogging thing and show you something tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great weekend and all are ready for Monday!